
February 01, 2013

It's February 1, Do You Know What That Means?

It means it's almost Valentine's Day- the best holiday ever created.  Maybe it's because I am hopelessly in love, or maybe it's because I grew up in a house that was always drenched in pink and red for Valentine's Day, but either way, I love Valentine's Day.  As a child, the best time of year was watching my mom tear down the Hanukkah decorations, and put up the Valentine's decorations.  The rugs and hand towels were switched out for heart shaped rugs and red towels, every door knob had a heart on it, and the front of the house always had six giant tinsel hearts (one for each door, of course).  My little brother and I were always the first kids in line to buy Valentine's for our class, in fact, I still pass out those cheesy Valentine's to all of my friends.  What a fabulous tradition- props to whoever invented those.  Every year I also brought homemade cookies-on-a-stick for my classmates.  Yes, you guessed it... Sessy made giant conversation heart cookies with sayings like "HUG ME" and "YOU'RE MY BFF."

But my favorite part of Valentine's Day was not the Valentines or the teddy bears or the cookies, but instead it was a tradition that my parents started when I was little.  Each year, before I went to school, I got to unwrap a present, and inside that present was always Valentine's pajamas.  To this day, my mom still sends me Valentine's pajamas, and I always wear them- no matter how ugly they may be (sorry, mom).

It is sad being in college and not being able to go home and see all of the Valentine's decorations.  So this year I had a bright idea, and asked my mom to bring the decorations to me.  We had so much fun hanging the decorations in my apartment, and now my roommates get to live in a love shack for the next month (they are thrilled, I promise).

Anyways, hope you all are enjoying the countdown to Valentine's Day as much as I am! 

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