
January 21, 2013

Ice Ice Baby

Fun fact: I really enjoy making jewelry- SURPRISE!  You could say it is my favorite hobby, but is also one of the only ways I can relax.  There is something about trying to fit leather through a tiny hole, wire-wrapping and beading that really distracts me from the stresses of the real world.

Thanks to Chardé Jewelers, where I have worked on and off for the past few years, I now have a jewelry addiction- which, might I add, is clearly not the best addiction to have.  After years of oohing and awing over every piece I laid eyes on, I finally decided to experiment and make some jewelry of my own.  The result of this experiment: Hannah Claire Designs (original, I know).

This past summer, I had my first show with MSL, Modern Styles for Life.  MSL is a company that sells fabulous jewelry, clothes and accessories for a good cause.  We decided to donate a minimum of 20% of our proceeds from the show to Evelyn Lauder's Breast Cancer Research Foundation.  The show was a huge hit, and I am hoping to have a show with MSL again in Summer 2013.

Although I am still trying to figure out the best techniques and business logistics, I have managed to make some jewelry that I am actually proud of.  If you see anything that you like, or have any suggestions of pieces I should attempt to make, please let me know.  I would love your feedback and critiques- good and bad!

1 comment:

  1. Hannah, this jewelry is awesome! I would absolutely buy a few pieces if you're selling them.

